Getting there: from Airport to Port.

The challenge of connecting ports and airports; INTER-PASS tests 4 identified solutions to be implemented in Dubrovnik, Pula, Bari and Corfu with the aim to speed up the tourist processing between ports and airports

The passengers’ journey doesn’t start or end at the airport terminal doors. Once you get off the plane, you still have to consider lots of time to get to your final destination, hence the shorter you get there the better. In most cases, airports are well connected with city centres and urban destinations in general, but not that much with ports.

The Adriatic-Ionian region is known for its tourism destinations on the shores, which include cruise travels. That’s why the implementation of fast and effective connections between ports and airports becomes an extremely important issue. The project INTER-PASS responds to this challenge by focusing on improving intermodal connections between ports and airports of 4 sites of the Adriatic–Ionian Region targeting passengers (mainly cruise tourists and travellers reaching tourists destinations) during the peak season.

The project will produce 3 specific outputs:

  1. A Cooperation Network on intermodal and multimodal connectivity between ports and airports located in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
  2. An Action Plan testing 4 identified solutions to be implemented in Dubrovnik, Pula, Bari and Corfu with the objective to significantly speed up the tourist processing between ports and airports.
  3. joint Integrated Strategic Plan for multimodal passenger transportation between ports and airports to be shared with other stakeholders of the Adriatic-Ionian Region.