Facts and figures of the 3rd Calls for Proposals

This article provides with an overview of the key preliminary data regarding the 3rd Calls for Proposals which were closed last 12th and 13th September respectively. The Calls were aimed for project proposals with a strategic outlook and strong institutional partnership. To this end, only relevant public bodies at national, regional and local level were eligible to apply.

The third Call for Proposals on Priority Axis (PA) 1 – SMART REGION

The third call for proposals on PA 1 was focused on 2 targeted topics, which were selected based on their strategic relevance for both the ADRION Programme and the EUSAIR strategy. The selected topics are:

  1. Topic 1: Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) on Blue Growth
  2. Topic 2: Social Innovation

The Programme received 10 applications: 3 under Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Blue Growth and 7 under the topic on Social Innovation.

31 organisations participated to the call on topic 1, among them all EU Partner States of the Programme are equally represented, whereas Montenegro and Albania head the list of non-EU Partner States with the higher number of applicants. The location of Lead Partners is Italy (2) followed by Croatia (1).

As far as Social Innovation is concerned, 62 are the total number of bodies participating to the call, here again organisations are well distributed within the area and equally based in all EU Partner States. On the other hand, among the non-EU Partner States, most of the applicants are coming from Serbia. The location of Lead Partners is based mainly in Slovenia (3) and Italy (2), while only one application has a Lead Partner from Greece as well as from Croatia.

The third Call for Proposals on Priority Axis (PA) 3 – CONNECTED REGION

The third Call for Proposals on PA 3 was focused on 2 targeted topics selected because of their strategic relevance for both the ADRION Programme and the EUSAIR strategy. The selected topics are:

  1. Topic 1: Maritime Transport
  2. Topic 2: City Transport

The Programme received 3 applications: one on Marine Transport and two on City Transport.

28 organisations participated to the call, 20 on City Transport and 8 on Maritime Transport. All applicants cover equally the whole ADRION cooperation area.

Available funds for the selected projects

Budget available Vs requested contribution based on the received applications

On Priority Axis 1, the indicative financial allocation for each topic is about 2,6 MEUR (ERDF + IPA). The total requests received by the applicants exceed 3 times the funds at Programme disposal, as shown in the here below charts:

On Priority Axis 3, the indicative financial allocation for each topic is again around 2,6 MEUR (ERDF + IPA). In this case, the total amount of the requests received is slightly higher than the allocated resources, especially for the budget related to ERDF funds.

Next stage: Evaluation of the project proposals 

The submitted applications will undergo eligibility checks within the end of this year and full quality assessment in the next months. To this end, a call for experts for the evaluation of the project proposals will be opened. Further to that, the best transnational projects will be approved for funding by the Monitoring Committee and start to implement their activities.