Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week

The “Mediterranean Coast and EU Macro-regional Strategies Week – Living with the sea” will be held between 20-23 September 2017 at the Slovenian Coast. The traditional event brings together interested public and stakeholders to discuss the potentials, impact and risks of the sea and coastal area at the local, national, regional and macro-regional level.

The strategic project EUSAIR Facility point will contribute to the event by hosting a workshop on how to translate synergies between the EU policies on Maritime spatial planning and Integrated coastal zone management into concrete projects, which will be run in Izola (Slovenia) on 21 September 2017. As well, a conference on media and communication in the context of macro-regional strategies will be organised on 20-22 September 2017.

The programme and venues of the events are available HERE.




European Cooperation Day in Montenegro

The Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro is organizing a project fair and a photography exhibition in celebration of the European Cooperation Day 2017, at the Delta City in Podgorica.

The event will be an excellent platform to showcase the opportunities of the nine CBC and transnational programmes that Montenegro participates in the IPA II perspective, and an opportunity for past beneficiaries to present the projects they have successfully implemented so far.

The event will be opened by Minister of European Affairs of Montenegro Mr. Aleksandar Andrija Pejović
and Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro Mr. Aivo Orav.

ECD2017 Sharing borders, growing closer

On 21 September 2017, the European Union celebrates European Cooperation Day (ECD) that promotes territorial cooperation throughout Europe and with the neighbouring countries. This year motto is ‘Sharing borders, growing closer’.

For the 2017 edition, the Agency for Territorial Cohesion holds a 1-day event to debate between Central and Regional Administrations and stakeholders of international relevance on territorial cooperation and cohesion policies: between results and perspectives. The focus will be on macro-regional strategies, Mediterranean policies, mainstreaming and the post-2020 programming period.

The event is taking place at the Auditorium – Fondazione MAXXI, Via Guido Reni, 4a, Rome, Italy on 21 September 2017. If you cannot attend the debate, the event will be also broadcast online at the FOLLOWING LINK and promoted on social media with the following hashtags: #EcDay2017; #EcDay2017Italy!

To find out where is the nearest ECD event in your country, visit the official website of the ECD2017.