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SAVE THE DATE: 25 years Interreg activities are going on!

interreg_25_a-page-001@2x25 years of Interreg conference

15-16 September 2015, Luxembourg

The Luxembourg presidency of the Council of the European Union will organise an event to celebrate the 25 years of Interreg with the support of the European Commission and INTERACT.

The event will take place at Campus Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

In 2015, Interreg celebrates its 25th anniversary. A quarter of a century playing an active role in regional development and European cohesion, improving the life of people and supporting local economies.

More than ever, this celebration of the 25 years of Interreg is a great opportunity for programmes to promote all year long their achievements over the years. This will be made even easier thanks to the new joint brand allowing Interreg achievements to be visible and promoted all over Europe.

The event organised by the Luxemburg presidency will be the occasion to showcase changes Interreg brought in people’s life and how it represents a model in other parts of the world.