
Call for awarding supporting services and technical assistance for the functions of the ADRION Audit Authority

The ADRION Audit Authority seeks service support and technical assistance in carrying out its functions. The service covers the audit activity related mainly to system audits, audits of operations and audits of the accounts. It is also required to provide support in drawing up annual control reports and management of meetings of the Group of Auditors, composed of representatives of eight Partner States.

Additionally, the subject of the tender is the support in the assessment procedure on the compliance of Managing Authority and Certifying Authority with the designation criteria as well as verification of maintaining the requirements throughout the whole programming period.

Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 18/09/2017; h: 12:00 (CET).

All the tender documentation is available on the website of Intercenter, an acronym of the E-procurement agency of the Emilia Romagna Region, at the link below.

The main data about the tender has also been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (code number 2017/S 128-261389, date of publication: 7 July 2017) at the link below.

Call for state aid evaluators

Interreg ADRION seeks independent state aid evaluators in charge of supporting the Joint Secretariat in appraising the project proposals received /will be received in the framework of the first call for proposals and the following one(s).

Applications have to be sent to: adrion_calls@ervet.it

The deadline for the submission of applications is 7 April 2017; h: 13:00 (CET).

Following the publication of the Call for for professional independent state aid evaluators, please find below the list of experts included in the ADRION roster.

Call for professional independent evaluators

26 April 2016, Interreg ADRION seeks professional independent evaluators to The experts who will be part of the independent evaluators’ team are expected to have a high level of professional experience in the thematic fields covered by  Programme’s Priority Axes and related Specific Objectives.

The successful experts will be informed about their inclusion in the ADRION’s roster for the assessment of project proposals. Experts will be included in the roster for the entire programming period 2014-2020.

Applications have to be sent to: adrion_calls@ervet.it

The deadline for the submission of applications is 13 May 2016; h 13:00 (CET).


It shall be noted that the inclusion in the ADRION experts’ roster does not guarantee the selection and appointment for the assessment of project proposals.

Following the publication of the Call for applications for professional independent evaluators, please find below the list of experts included in the ADRION roster.